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Below some news about our company, our partnerships and our innovative telecommunications solutions.

Some history

2023: Deployment of turnkey end-to-end FTTx network for Residential and Business Customers with The Cable of St. Kitts.

2022: New Core Internet upgrade with Reunicable allowing multi-gigabit speeds over Cable TV network.

2021: New DOCSIS 3.1 I-CCAP deployments with Prizz Telecom in France. Core TV headends market won with Reunicable (Reunion, French Indian Ocean).

2020: First deployment with10G PON (XGSPON). Major Verimatrix Upgrade (to VCAS 4) and STB deployment with Cable Bahamas.

2019: Deployment of Core Internet solution in The Netherlands (I-CCAP platform). Extension in Melita with HFC Cable Access solutions.

2018: Deployment of several FTTx networks in France. Won Altitude Infrastructure Headend (now part of Nordnet, Orange Group).

2017: New multi-year contracts TV with Cable Bahamas and Internet with Melita (Malta).

2016: First FTTH RFP won for Communauté de Communes de Rives de Moselle (now part of Altitude Infrastructure). Won Core Internet market with Reunicable (Réunion).

2015: Two additional contracts with more than 15k cable modems.

2014: Launch Caribbean activity with first success with Digicel and Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation.

2013: Lucas Telecom is founded